We, the Indigenous Peoples of Asia, face numerous challenges that make it crucial for us to have direct access to funds. With over 300 million Indigenous Peoples in the region, comprising two-thirds of the world’s Indigenous population, we have the least access to both internal and external funding.

IPAS Principles and Strategies

Majority of Indigenous Peoples in Asia live in rural areas, facing marginalization and systemic dis crimination.
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Indigenous women and persons with disabilities experience multiple layers of discrimination.
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Despite being recognized as distinct groups such as hill tribes, ethnic minorities, tribals, and Masyarakat Adat, the majority lacks legal recognition and protection of our rights as affirmed by international human rights instruments such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
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Indigenous Peoples in Asia face systemic violations of our rights and have a lack of access to justice, such as land grabbing, forced evictions, resource extraction, criminalization, violence against Indigenous women and girls, and attacks on human rights defenders.
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Despite these challenges, We, the Indigenous Peoples of Asia, are striving to preserve our cultures, governance systems, and sustainable resource management practices of living in harmony with nature.

We continue to protect and conserve our various ecosystems – forests, rivers, mountains, sea, land, and biodiversity and enhance our Indigenous knowledge and innovations to strengthen our resilience and contribute to combatting climate change.

Indigenous Peoples in Asia are building and strengthening our institutions, organizations, and networks at various levels to collectively address our challenges in relation to our rights and well-being.

Direct access to funds is crucial for us to strengthen our capacities, advocate for our rights and well-being, manage our resources sustainably, preserve traditional knowledge, protect and enhance biodiversity and contribute significantly to combatting climate change and a sustainable future.

Principle 1
Transparency & Accountability
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Principle 2
Social Inclusion & Equity
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Principle 3
Solidarity & Cooperation
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Principle 4
Cultural & Gender Sensitive
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Strategies 1
Reaching the grassroots and furthest among Indigenous Peoples.
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Strategies 2
Easy access with simple procedures and requirements for grant applications.
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Strategies 3
Capacity building on needed skills for project management and reporting, documentation, etc.
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Strategies 4
Long-term support to local and national organizations with critical roles and capacities in advancing the Indigenous movement at different levels.
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Strategies 5
Revitalizing Indigenous knowledge, sustainable economies, biodiversity protection, building resilience, and actions to combat climate change
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Strategies 6
Dedicated support for the needs and priorities of Indigenous women, youth and persons with disabilities and Indigenous institutions
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Strategies 7
Funds for emergency use including in response to disasters, serious risks, and attacks on communities and defenders.
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Strategies 8
Promotion of Indigenous arts, cultures, media, and sustainable ways of living
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Strategies 9
Inter-learning exchanges- within and beyond the country, regional and global levels.
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Strategies 10
Building relations and networking with donors (private and public) based on solidarity, trust, and mutual accountability
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IPAS History and Target

IPAS History

A regional assembly by and for Indigenous Peoples of Asia was conceived during a regional consultation workshop on 31 July to 1 August 2022 held in Siem Reap, Cambodia. This gathering had 26 Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPOs) representing 13 countries of Asia

Protection of a total of 29.55 million hectares out of 93 million hectares of  tropical rainforests in Asia by the end of 2028

Sensitization of 50-60 million Indigenous Peoples on their collective and individual rights to lands,

At least 6 million Indigenous Peoples and their intersectional groups directly benefited from IPAS fund

The Country Steering Committees (CSCs) will be active and facilitating the IPAS fund management and monitoring in all countries

Mapping of Indigenous Territories for 40 million hectares

Mapping of Indigenous Territories for 40 million hectares

IPAS Event and Publication


IPAS Official Launch

The Indigenous Peoples of Asia Solidarity (IPAS) Fund was officially launched on December 4, 2023, during the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) of the United

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IPAS Official Launch

The Indigenous Peoples of Asia Solidarity (IPAS) Fund was officially launched on December 4, 2023, during the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) of the United

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IPAS Board Members

Thematic Area for Support

IPAS Fund Secretariat
Jalan Sempur No. 31, Bogor, West Java. 16129
Phone: +62 251 8326797
email: secretariat@asiaipsfund.org

Fiscal Sponsor of IPAS Fund
Jalan Tebet Timur Dalam Raya No 11A East Tebet, South Jakarta, Indonesia 12820
phone +62 218297954
email : rumahaman@aman.or.id

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